

wiffle ball的相關標籤

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關於wiffle ball的評價, C.T. Pan

經過一整晚的激戰,Team Aladeen(Pan & Johnny)贏得桌球冠軍,Ya ! 晚上還接著打Wiffle Ball,大家有沒有看到另一位今年才來的台灣隊友Lu呢?) ...

My Papa 🏌️‍♂️ is an avid golfer. He has phenomenal ball sense and a phenomenal golfer. His passion for the trees, landscape and golf competition intersected on the golf course where his favourite two combine. Some of my finest memories of my Papa involve golf. I started to learn how to play golf from my Papa when I was 8 (same age as Dylan now) He always encouraged me and said I’m a natural. I would spend endless hours at the golf driving range hitting wiffle balls and, when no one was looking, real golf balls. I was motivated by his constant encouragement that when I was good enough, I would be able to go out on the course with him. We watched golf together every weekend on TV, and the masterful Tiger Woods performance at the 1997 Masters is one of my most vivid memories. Today, my Papa and Mama 🏌️‍♀️(Papa’s golf companion) are coaching my sons. Never did I imagine such beautiful scenes would continue to the next generation....bringing me back to my childhood memories, in the old driving range, where Papa first taught me. ⛳️ Family is a unique gift that needs to be appreciated and treasured. I think family is key, and if you have love for family, then you have love for others – and you have unity as a people. 🌳 PS grandparents bought the golf set when Dylan was 5, yes it’s a little too short for him now hehe 🌳🌳⛳️ #family #thankful #cherish #love #qotd #golf #tigerwoods #bestgrandparents #handson #blessed #qotd #MarlonWayans #rozybaby #rosannewong #drderekbaram Central Smile

My Papa 🏌️‍♂️ is an avid golfer. He has phenomenal...